YEAR 2003

I apologize for late update...
But I would like to show some pictures which is her status now because someone requested to know recent her growth by photographs.
This page will be renewed in near future. (September 24th, 2003 by Saori)

As daddy will go for business trip,@I have come to mummy's parent home with her. This photo was taken after duddy's go out for the trip. Usually in the morning I'm cheerful. I'm in outside of cushion without my knowledge, but I'm fine! I can fully lift up my face by myself now even though my belly is under.
I like Purin-chan very much!

My name is Aika.
I was born last May 26th with 2970 gram in Chiba city.
I can't speak anything clearly now, but mummy makes my diary instead of me.

Tuesday, August 5th
I weared very pretty dress which was presented for my birth by my father's friends, Christophe, who lives in Japan now.
When I wear this kind of dress, can you see me as a pretty girl ?
It is lovely dress because many butterflies are printed. This is for 70 cm height baby. But it isn't big size for me, is it ?
This baby wear is used another day, but it is for 60 cm height baby. It was bought by mummy in Uniqlo store. I think it is just size for me now.

Sunday, August 3rd
I went to a park close by sea for a stroll with mummy and daddy for the first time.
As I am little baby girl, it seems that I went to the park which is close by my home. But I slept little because I was tired and strained by the first stroll. I weared the presented dress from Marcel, who is father's friend in France.
It was taken with mummy by daddy in front of my home before strolling.
I couldn't see the beautiful view of the sea because I was little sleepy... Behind of me, you can see an island, which is named Hakkei-jima in Yokohama.

Friday, August 1st
Mummy bantered me with love and joke today.
Now I am feeling very badly because my nappy is wet very much !
Please change my nappy at once, mummy !!
You can see yellow big foot over my head. This is big stuffed doll who is my friend and named Big-Purin-Chan.

I like Big-Purin-Chan, who is very bigger and taller than me.
Purin means pudding, and Chan means Japanese frendly title.

Afternoon, my mother treated me again.
Mummy, I don't like this, please take my hat off !!

Monday, July 27th
The day before yesterday, a nurse who is belong to local ward, Kanazawa-ku, visited mummy and me for checking our health in my home.
My weight was alredy 5700 gram, the nurse and mummy surprized !!
The nurse mentioned that the my growth is excellent and no problem now.
But my head is little warp because I like to turn my head to right
You can see that right side of my head is very warp.

For unwarp, I often excercise this way, which is proposed by the nurse.
I often have to carry up my head like this way myself.
As I tried to do very hard, it seems like slightly cross-eyed.
I want to controll my head freely soon.
After hard excercise, I can take rest, so it is very joyful !

In night, I played with favorite mouse doll which is gift from Nicolas in France !
I like to catch his tail very much.

Thrsday, July 24th

Anna visited me, she lives the house next door. She was born on the last June 9th, so our birthdays are different from only two weeks !
Anna's mother took our pictures with Cheki, which is small camera like Polaroid.
It seems that I am bigger than Anna very much... Do you think that I am big or not ?
Left side is me and Right side is Anna in the left picture.

Monday, today was national holiday, July 21th
I slept with daddy in the afternoon, but he seems tired little bit...
Peopole always says that Aika looks like daddy. What do you think ?

Thursday, July 17th
In the daytime, I often sleep on the Japanese floor cushion instead of bedding, futon.
When I sleep well, I often sleep on the floor. Why do I sleep on the ourside cusion ?

Saturday, July 5th
I went to out of house in the second time.
There is very famous shrine as growth of children and babys at Inage in Chiba city, where is mummy's home town, so I went to pray with parents and both grand parents.
There are many baby like as me because it was very fine weekend in the rainy season, and more it was the luckiest the six-day Buddhist calendar.
I was glad to receiving a charm which is written my name and an amulet with bamboo grass for me.
In Japan, after about one month later from its birth, a baby goes to near shrine for praying its health and growth with parents, and its parents prays that the baby will growth well and anytime keep good health in the future.
This picture was taken before going to shrine. After this, I weared white dress with trimmings.

Thursday, June 26
I went to the hospital for health checkup in which I was born one month ago.
This going out was in the first time for me.
Mummy and grandma went together.
My weight becomes from 2970 gram to 4420 gram and my height becomes from 48.2 cm to 53.6 cm.
I met two baby boys again in the first time after I went to grandpa's home. I and mummy spent with them and their mothers in same room of the hospital for a week before one month.

Saturday, May 31th
I came to grandpa's home at Inage in Chiba city, where is mummy's home town.
Grandma prepared for new my bedding, Japnese futon. It is very confortable bed, so I thank grandma very much !